The corresponding author submitting the manuscript attests to the following:
Article 1
The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to establish the principles and standards of research ethics that researchers (authors) wishing to contribute to "IGEE Proceedings," published by the Institute for Global Engagement and Empowerment at Yonsei University, must adhere to. It aims to promote rigor and ethics in research, writing, and contribution processes, thereby facilitating the publication of research papers, reports, notes, and reviews that contribute to the sound development of research.
Article 2 (Pledge of Research Ethics Compliance)
Upon soliciting manuscripts for "IGEE Proceedings," the Research Ethics Code should be announced. All authors must agree to the pledge of research ethics compliance upon manuscript submission. If authors deliberately refuse to submit the pledge of research ethics compliance or fail to comply with it, submitted manuscripts will be excluded from consideration for review.
Article 3 (Scope of Research Ethics for Researchers)
- 3-1. Integrity and Honesty:
- a. Authors should uphold the highest standards of integrity and honesty in their research and writing.
- b. They should accurately and transparently report their methods, findings, and data sources.
- c. Plagiarism, fabrication, and falsification of data are strictly prohibited.
- 3-2. Authorship and Acknowledgment:
- a. All individuals who have made significant contributions to the research should be listed as authors.
- b. Proper acknowledgment should be given to individuals or organizations that have contributed to the research but do not meet the criteria for authorship.
- c. Authors should obtain the necessary permissions for the use of copyrighted material.
- 3-3. Conflicts of Interest:
- a. Authors should disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may influence the research or its interpretation.
- b. Conflicts of interest may include financial, personal, or professional relationships that could be perceived as biasing the research.
- 3-4. Respect for Human Subjects:
- a. Authors should ensure that research involving human subjects is conducted ethically and in accordance with relevant regulations and guidelines.
- b. Informed consent should be obtained from participants, and their privacy and confidentiality should be protected.
- 3-5. Respect for Communities and Cultures:
- a. Authors should respect the local communities and cultures in which the research is conducted.
- b. They should seek to engage and collaborate with local stakeholders, ensuring their voices and perspectives are represented accurately.
- 3-6. Transparency and Openness:
- a. Authors should provide sufficient details about their research methods, data collection, and analysis to enable reproducibility and scrutiny.
- b. Data and research materials should be made available whenever possible, following appropriate data sharing protocols.
- 3-7. Ethical Review:
- a. Research involving human subjects or sensitive topics should undergo ethical review and approval by the appropriate institutional review board or ethics committee.
- b. Authors should comply with all ethical guidelines and regulations relevant to their research.
- 3-8. Respect for Intellectual Property:
- a. Authors should respect intellectual property rights and obtain proper permissions for the use of copyrighted material.
- b. Proper citation and acknowledgment of the work of others should be followed.
- 3-9. Peer Review Process:
- a. Authors should engage in the peer review process with integrity, providing fair and constructive feedback to improve the quality of the research.
- b. They should disclose any conflicts of interest that may compromise the objectivity of the peer review.
- 3-10. Professional Conduct:
- a. Authors should conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner in their interactions with colleagues, reviewers, editors, and the wider academic community.
- b. They should respond to feedback and criticism in a constructive and professional manner.
Article 4 (Attribution of Roles in Research)
- 1. Researchers shall be credited with contributions and take responsibility as authors only for research they have actually conducted or significantly contributed to.
- 2. In cases of collaborative research, authors should be identified as co-authors only for research they directly conducted or substantially contributed to. The order of co-authorship on the first page of the manuscript should reflect the extent of their contributions to the research.
- 3. Those who have contributed to the research content or results may be granted co-authorship on the paper or acknowledged appropriately for their contribution.
Article 5 (Openness in Research)
- 1. In the interest of advancing scholarship and technology, researchers should approach the content of their submitted manuscripts with the utmost transparency within the scope of protecting their research confidentiality.
- 2. Upon request from other researchers after publication of research results, researchers should actively cooperate, within the bounds of intellectual property rights or research-related restrictions, in providing research-related data and outcomes.
Article 6 (Actions against Violations of Research Ethics)
If a contributor to "IGEE Proceedings" is found to have violated the research ethics stipulated in Article 3 and Article 4, the Research Ethics Committee shall take appropriate measures or decide on sanctions through a proper investigation, deliberation, and decision-making process. (Organization and Operations of Research Ethics Committee are explained in the Article 10 of Code of Publishment Principles)
- (1) For minor violations, the committee may request modifications to the relevant manuscript.
- (2) For significant violations, the committee may revoke the publication of the relevant manuscript.
- (3) In the case of revoking the publication of a manuscript, the Institute for Global Engagement and Empowerment shall make the researcher's violation of research ethics public on its homepage.
- (4) In the case of revoking the publication of a manuscript, the researcher will be prohibited from submitting papers for a period of five years.
- (5) The Research Ethics Committee shall document the deliberations, decisions, measures, and sanctions related to the researcher's violation in a meeting record. The results of the investigation, deliberation, and decision-making shall be reported to the Board of Directors of the Institute for International Development Cooperation. The report should include details about the violation, names of review committee members, investigation process, basis for decisions, respondent's explanations and processing procedures, and the content of sanctions related to research ethics violations.
The investigation, deliberation, and decision-making process for violations of research ethics must be kept confidential.
A person accused of violating research ethics may raise objections to the results of the Research Ethics Committee's investigation. Accordingly, the Research Ethics Committee must give the accused an opportunity to attend, protect themselves, and raise objections, if necessary. If it is determined that the objections are valid, the Research Ethics Committee shall conduct a re-investigation into the allegations.
If a re-investigation determines that the person accused of violating research ethics did not commit the violation, the Research Ethics Committee may take appropriate follow-up measures to restore their reputation.
Article 7 (Supplementary Provisions)
Matters not specified in these regulations shall be determined by the deliberation and decision of the Research Ethics Committee.
(Effective Date) These regulations shall be effective from October 1, 2023.